Altre aree
It is a supplement extracts with Vitamina D3 whith L-Lisina, extracts of Uncaria and Erica 5 billions of Bifidobacterium lactis UABla-12™, Lactobacillus acidophilus DDS®-1, useful to fill the nutritional deficiencies […]
Ansioninax Gocce
Helps reduce the time required to fall asleep ANSIONINAX DROPS is an innovative food supplementation based on: G COATED MELATONIN: in order to overcome the poor solubility in water and […]
Ansioninax Risvegli notturni
Usefull in achieving a state of relaxation and reducing the time required to fall asleep ANSIONINAX NIGHT WAKINGS Iis based on:Melatonin in sof gel technology, conveyed that an oil solvent.It […]
Ansioninax Rapido sonno
Useful in achieving a state of relaxation. ANSIONINAX QUICK SLEEP is a food supplement based on VM FAST NIGHT complex in rapid ralease technology, within 5 minutes.VM FAST NIGHT is […]
Fito K2 Softgel
Contains Vitamin K2 with high bioavailability obtained from natto (typical Japanese food), through a patented fermentation process. Vitamin K2 contributes to maintenance of normal bones and the prevention of cardiovascular […]
Fitoallergy Spray
Nasal Spray for Allergic rhinitis with sea water and herbal extracts. VEGETALIALO® is obtained through a patented fermentation process starting from a lactic acid bacterium on a vegetable substrate. Thanks […]
ThermAir Vials
Medical device based on salsobromoiodic thermal water and hyaluronic acid; an adjuvant in the treatment of rhinitis and inflammatory diseases of the upper respiratory tract. Therm Air is a medical […]
Fitoialo Spray
Nasal Spray for common cold and sinusitis, Protection and hydration of the nasal mucosa and Restores the nasal physiological conditions. Active ingredients: VegetalIALO® is obtained through a patented fermentation process […]
Fitoaeresol Junior Vials
Sea water isotonic solution with herbal extracts indicated as specific adjuvant for the typical symptoms of a cold, such as nasal congestion and irritation of the nasal mucosa. It is […]
Sea water hypertonic solution with herbal extracts indicated in case of allergic rhinitis and sinusitis and common cold. Active ingredients:Drosera has a spasmolytic, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory activity on bronchial level. It […]