La consultazione dei contenuti di questo prodotto è riservata esclusivamente agli operatori sanitari


Bibliographic Evidence AvailableClass II BMedical Device

Medical device that works by protecting the wound that has damaged the dermis, creating an optimal enviroment for the repair processes and at the same time protecting the area from external physical and bacterial agents.

CICATRIZIAL performs an adjuvant action in the tissue repair process in the case of:

  • Irritation and redness (including from diapers);
  • Post peeling, hair removal and laser interventions;
  • Navel of the newborn;
  • Superficial injuries: cracks, scratches, grazes, abrasions, minor burns, superficial cuts;
  • Deep wounds: surgical wounds, bedsores, ulcers
25 g

Richiedi Informazioni
DERMATOLOGICALLY TESTED for wounds, burns and irritations